Hello there! My name is Francesca Papi and I founded Fantastic Florence Private Tours in 2009. Since then, I’ve been loving my job every single day. I was born in 1983 in this beautiful city, Florence. I have been a private tour guide of Florence since 2008. After getting my degree in Languages, Literature and Intercultural Studies at the University of Florence, I completed my studies in Spain at the Universidad de Valladolid (in the region of Castilla y Leon). I had working several experiences abroad in the fields of diplomatic institutions and international trade. Eventually, I approached the tourism business, working on cruise ships. Once I decided that the time of restless traveling was over, I thought that becoming a tour guide in Florence was the best job I could choose. I love to spread my love for Florence to those who want to get to know my home town through the eyes of a local. So, here you have my Fantastic Florence Private Tours!


Working as private tour guide of Florence is my full time job, besides working as full time mom of Gabriele. My certification was issued by the Italian Government after attending Tourism School and passing a very hard examination. I became a licensed tour guide of Florence in 2008. Every winter during the off-season, I take the time to study and update my knowledge. And to travel, of course! Actully, I was in Scotland many years ago on vacation with my friend Giacomo Ceccarelli of Tuscan Organic Tours. Our tour guide, a funny guy wearing his traditional kilt and always singing to himself romantic Scottish folk ballads, relentlessly kept on saying that everything in Scotland was so fantastic. And it was by the way! Fantastic highlands, fantastic castles, fantastic whiskey, fantastic music, fantastic wool… I loved his enthusiasm for his country so much and I had a lot of fun on tour with him as our guide! So, the idea of this web site was born. I thought that there was no better name than Fantastic Florence Private Tours for my new entrepreneurial project. Is Florence perhaps not a fantastic place?