Taking the Uffizi Gallery Private Tour you will get to know everything about Renaissance art and its protagonists, Michelangelo, Raffaello, Leonardo and Botticelli. One can’t say to have seen Florence if doesn’t go to the this incredible museum. Don’t waist time strolling aimless through Uffizi Gallery. Hire a specialist to help you to take the most advantage from your time and make your experience fulfilling and satisfying. Furthermore, if you are especially interested in the Jewish history, take a look at my Jewish Tour at Uffizi Gallery. In the Uffizi Gallery you’ll see the world famous painting of Botticelli’s Venus, the celebrated Doni Tondo by Michelangelo, Raphael’s portrait of the Medici popes, the amazing Annunciation by Leonardo da Vinci, and much more.
In 1560 Grand Duke Cosimo I de’ Medici commissioned the architect Giorgio Vasari to design a magnificent building to house the administrative offices of Florence. Soon the Uffizi were chosen to house the Medici collections. In the 17th century it was already possible to visit the gallery with a special permit issued by the Grand Duke. With the Uffizi Gallery private tour, we will see all the famous works we studied at school and have always known by name. Adoration of the Magi by Gentile da Fabriano, Primavera by Botticelli, Doni Tondo by Michelangelo, Annunciation by Leonardo, Venus of Urbino by Titian, and many many more. Thanks to these beautiful masterpieces, we will travel back in time and learn about the lifestyles of Renaissance Florence. We will learn about fashion, the artists’ love affairs and the patronage of the Medici. Make it come alive with the help of your private guide of Florence!
If you say Uffizi Gallery, your mind goes automatically to the the big names we have mentioned above. Maybe, you don’t even notice the series of small portraits on display in the three corridors of the museum. This is the so-called Serie Gioviana and thanks to our Uffizi Gallery Private Tour you will get to know it. It’s a collection of portraits of illustrious men and women of the past. They are popes, kings, emperors and sultans, cardinals and noblemen, saints and ecclesiastics, scientists and literary men, artists and leaders of mercenaries. The collection was begun in 1552 on the will of the Grand Duke Cosimo I de’ Medici, who sent the court painter Cristofano dell’Altissimo to Como to copy the portraits of the Universal Gallery of the Men of the Bishop Paolo Giovio. This clergyman was in possession of a remarkable portraits’ series, depicted using medals, coins and previous paintings as a model. At the beginning the collection was in Palazzo Vecchio, in the Globe Hall, later on, when the number of pictures got too big, it was moved to the Uffizi Gallery. Cristofano worked on it until 1589 and today the collection counts 488 portraits.