Divina Bellezza (Devine Beauty) was an interesting exhibit organized by Palazzo Strozzi Foundation. It was about sacred art between 19-20th centuries. The subject of the exhibition, as the title says, was sacred art between XIXth and XXth century: Van Gogh, Chagall, Fontana, Guttuso, Picasso, and may others. Sacred art in that period, that was much less religious than before (think of Napoleon and the abolition of the Church’s privileges for example) interested many artists, who decided to show their religious feeling in various ways. Never forget that sacred art gave the possibility to these artists to paint nudes and investigate the human body with no embarrassment. The Biblical tales got combined with the birth of Freud’s psychoanalysis (Edvard Munch), with the condemn of Nazism (Otto Dix), the pain for the Jewish persecution (Marc Chagall) or the personal tragedy leading to suicide (Vincent Van Gogh).
Palazzo Strozzi Foundation is the most active institution in Florence taking care of the city’s cultural life. We are really eager now to see the next one, about Kandinsky and Pollock, in collaboration with the Guggenheim Foundations of New York and Venice. Stay tuned!